Saturday, June 18, 2011

For the Love of OATMEAL....

Those close to me think I have an "oatmeal problem" and they are probably right. BUT, I am OK with it. Of all the problems I have, the "oatmeal problem" is probably the one I am least worried about! :)

Before this spring I had not EVER eaten oatmeal (well, except an occasional packet of pre-made, just add water maple and brown sugar)... I did not even really like it. I have been eating cleaner for the past four years and just skipped any oatmeal recipes I seen in my healthy cookbooks. I would see those GIANT tubs of rolled oats oatmeal and wonder how ANYONE could ever eat that much nasty oatmeal. Now I buy those at least once (or twice) a month. I found the book 75 Ways to Love Your Oatmeal by the fabulous (and very real) Jenny Grothe.

I feel in love with oatmeal in ways I never knew possible. I never thought to BAKE IT. I am not sure if it is because I do not each much that tastes very good or if this book just rocks out oatmeal, but I swear, I have had the best oatmeal I could ever imagine. And, most of it is really good for me and it keeps me on track in my nutritional goals. And it tastes like dessert. I mean it. Today I made Busia and I Brown Sugar and Baked Date Baked Oatmeal and oh my it was AWESOME. Just awesome. And it filled me up in a way that felt like I was cheating for only 237 healthy calories. Cannot ask for more. I am on a mostly Vegan Detox (except I cannot give up egg whites yet - I might never give them up) and the oatmeal just works for me. If you have not tried baked oatmeal, look for Jenny on Facebook and go to her recipes for bodybuilders site on FB. She has tons of baked oatmeal (and other yummy treats) on there for FREE. Seriously, you will not be sorry if you try it. :)

Day 5 of the 30 day detox is rocking. Did killer spin class (60 minutes) followed by a 20 minute lap swim (whew, I am not a great swimmer, but it is a great workout) and then during all star practice I was happily studying in the bleachers and they needed parents to run so I ran and ran and ran bases... I feel like I sort of did my own mini super sprint triathalon today! :) My eating has been totally on point and I never feel physically better than when on the Arbonne 30 day feeling fit detox. I love it. It just works for me.

I hope you are making ONE LITTLE CHOICE today that will lead you to better health. Deciding to get fit was one the best choices I have ever made. I love it.

1 comment:

  1. Kristi I am sooo glad you are enjoying the book and the baked oatmeal (I'm eating some as I type this). **smile** xoxoxo
